Just a thought -
Has America ever allowed a group of officials from IRAQ into the country to sniff around the stored weapons of mass destruction?
I wonder how that one would go down with the people :o)
i just wanted to get some opinions on this matter from everyone.
support here in the states is pretty solid but very weak in europe.
i will make my prediction (ie you know) that we will be having a little sand party within a year.
Just a thought -
Has America ever allowed a group of officials from IRAQ into the country to sniff around the stored weapons of mass destruction?
I wonder how that one would go down with the people :o)
i just wanted to get some opinions on this matter from everyone.
support here in the states is pretty solid but very weak in europe.
i will make my prediction (ie you know) that we will be having a little sand party within a year.
The government here are pro-USA whatever, apart from a few dissenting voices from several back-benchers.
The general fodder in this country, who are driven by the media machine, think Saddam is scum and would back a war against him and his regime today ! The average ROGER does not think for himself and listens to newspapers (rags) like The Sun. So, war is inevitable. Arab nations for the most part here are viewed with great suspicion and there is a definite intolerance towards the Muslim faith in general. The UK is a prejudice nation of biggots for the greater part, especially amongst the older generation. My family are racist and it sickens me. They view Saddam as a beast and think he should be killed and any who stand with him.
There are many though, generally youth, who do not concern themselves enough to have an opinion. Which is worrying, as serious issues like a conflict in the Middle East, gets buried by the next series of Pop Idol or some other shite.
To my mind it is simple. Any man who picks up a gun and fires that gun at another man because of their political/religious agenda & intolerance is sick and twisted and deserves no respect. On either side! Having seen the effects of small arms on a body, well I can't understand the mentality of anybody who could engage in this activity. War is truly horrific. My mind cannot begin to imagine the effect of the weapons that are used in the field.
As the bodies pile up and the burnt out houses appear in Iraq and the war machine rolls forward, the national pride here will arise in this intriguing dark charade once more. Fat, sovereign ring wearing morons, will spread the Union Jack over the bonnet of their vehicle and drink warm beer, toasting the fallen excrement in Iraq and usher in a bright new day of UK/US world vision, where any nation who dares to play the big boys game, of arming itself with weapons of mass destruction, will be stomped down by the bully who already possess enough arms to wipe every fucking thing off the planet.
It gets to me - - - I would rather go to prison than fight alongside any of these hypocrites who govern us.
i was having a chat with my apostate kid brother yesterday about witness beliefs.
he finds that talking about jw's stimulates his mind almost as much as watching paint drying.
i told him that our mother was about to be imprinted yet again by the territorial wt savages, this time in the re-iteration of that loving practice known as disfellowshipping.
Hmm.... interesting, I'll put some feelers out. It seriously would not shock me at all. The Bible grounds for the transfusion rule is thin (to say the least).
i'm interested in exploring a few things.
to try to keep these two topics separate, i'm going to attribute the letters a and b to them.
a for 'who's on the board?
A2 ..... hehe
Some very good "B" points there and I particularly agree with sadiejive ..... I see this trate within myself sadly and have to fight against it. I still think that the world has many evils, but finally I am starting to see the good within people & society again.
if there is a god who crested us , then why did he create germs , viruses ans other such things that harm and kill us?why also are there no instructions about these things in the bible, and don't give me that mosaic law crap, where does it mention for example boiling water or spreading germs through human contact, the most important things you can do agianst catching nasty dieseases?edited by - sleepy on 9 august 2002 9:4:21.
Dunno - ask GOD
Not all bacteria is harmful though, some is actually quite useful. You know - those deserts you can get with active strains swimming through .... very good for the stomach.
Depends what you mean by germs? Certain strains have been known to mutate over the years and become quite revolting when applied to the human form. But where they began and why they adapted is open to debate I would say.
We also have a tendency to create new strains ourselves. Everytime you spray your sink down with "gunk-killer X" ... remember that the wee fellas lurking there are slowly learning how to adapt and eventually will be sitting there flicking Vs at you :o)
Also don't forget the immune system that in most people does actually repel most germs'n'things. The immune system is a marvel when studied.
satistics can be flexed to represent anything you want.. personally i know of out of a congregation of 89 .
my daughter & son in law who is an elder, three elders wives , publishers 4. another daughter that refused to accept the witness life style.
my wife just before she died had to be on prozac.
Nice to hear another new voice :o)
I know what you mean about hiding the illness from others .... I have several masks, depending on person and situation, that I hide behind.....
satistics can be flexed to represent anything you want.. personally i know of out of a congregation of 89 .
my daughter & son in law who is an elder, three elders wives , publishers 4. another daughter that refused to accept the witness life style.
my wife just before she died had to be on prozac.
From my own experience a few years back:
I suffered with OCD & depression when I entered the truth and I ended up mixing with two brothers in the same cong' who both had "mental health issues". Outside of my imediate circle, there were at least 3 others in the same cong' who had severe problems with their health. Depression / anxiety & insomnia.
I would say, hand-on-heart, that the "truth" was of no help whatsoever for me personally. When I became aware of Christian values and searched for the true God, I was full of love and understanding for my fellow man. This in a way helped to start lifting my negativity and the general fears that were crippling my life, I saw life through different eyes (more positive eyes). I was happy to read the *Plain Truth* magazine and look into the Bible for myself and transorm my attitude towards others and put in place moral standards.
I eventually sort out JWs who I felt had a good understanding of the Bible and displayed a sound attitude by preaching their faith in earnest to others. So, I got involved with the org' ...
After studying for a while my vision of Christ & truth began to twist slowly, but surely. I started to see the world full of hidden dangers, full of demons and overlooked by a vengeful God of war. The world became dark again and my mentality latched on to this darkness. Afterall I was accustomed due to depression to seeing life through a darkened veil. The society slapped this veil over my head and my vision became surreal and I would say now - TWISTED.
Coupled with the guilt burden of having to go and knock doors and attend meetings and try and answer up and take the lead at groups and pressured to study every issue of the WT etc etc ..... well, this got too much for me.
I believe that a combination of fear & guilt, that are constant factors in org' life, eventually take their toll on any man.
I know that others who never had these health problems, after a while serving the org' ..... fell! I knew one sister (and still do) who had a breakdown and eventually DA'd herself. She was always the centre of attention in the cong' and took the lead. Eventually the pressure got too great and she snapped. It was amazing to see how the brothers walked away from her. I would have expected them to be banging on her door night and day to offer support. She had a couple of sisters chase after her, but the only real help they had to offer was - Jah will help you if you have faith & go out into the ministry, this will strengthen you. She is not bitter about this, but I feel that the body of the "truth" failed to see what was happening, before it was too late!
The burden placed by the org' is crippling in many cases and to my way of thinking - wrong!
Anyway rekless - there are many people in the world who suffer mental health problems (as you know), but I do believe that within the org' there are a vast quantity of brothers & sisters who are not properly cared for.
Afterall, I was told by a sister (a respected sister) that to seek help outside the org' was to put my mind in Satan's hands. That was really useful ;o)
/ Diz
Edited by - Dizzy Cat on 8 August 2002 6:43:21
have you ever noticed someone that just had to be a witness?
for example, you're on vacation in a very warm climate and you see 2 men dressed in suits....they must be witnesses.
or you go to a sporting event and you see a group of guys suddenly run for the nearest bathroom and the national anthem is just about to be played....they must be witnesses.
IF .......
1. Its fine weather outside
2. The street seems unsually quiet
3. You see two guys in suits, carrying the same leather pouch walking along the street
4. Snails seem to be overtaking these guys
5. Curtains are drawn and its 12 noon
THEN ........ jump behind a wall and hide !
forgive me father for i have sinned......
i think its time we all got off our chest all the naughty things we did whilst rebelling against the jw's!.
ive got too many to list but i think somewhere near the top would have to be....... (drumroll........this is actually quite bad and i may get reprimanded by some of you).
That is quite bad ... but it made me smile.
Never really got up to much myself when I was involved, as I was WAY too concerned about a rock with my name carved on it, hurtling towards me from the sky. But when I walked away from the society, initially I went a bit loopy shall we say. Started drinking heavily, had sexual relationship etc Now I have settled down into a quiet/balanced life again.
I did witness others in the congregation getting up to very (un) Christian activity. Like drinking heavily and then being sick, messing about with sisters, swearing, fighting etc. Quite took me by surprise actually and I never could understand how these people who I believed were Gods' people, could behave in this way in good conscience. Two brothers were also very vocal about the society not having all the answers - shock horror !
One guy who was (and propbably is) an absolute arsehole I would love to name and shame ..... you know who you are J*** D** from Great Barr cong :o) What an absolute tosser - he was abusive / rude / arrogant / two-faced and to top it all, was a respected member of the cong' due to his servant status and *lovely talks*. They had him cut out to be an elder. At the meetings he was sweetness and light, but away from the hall, another person.
Very odd.
Edited by - Dizzy Cat on 7 August 2002 9:41:25
it seems to me that many americans are convinced that europeans are for ever slagging off the usa for some reason or another.. just to set the record straight, america bashing is relatively rare in europe, most of us regard the usa with a not inconsiderable degree of affection.
obviously there are cultural differences between the continents that can lead to feelings being trampled on, but america-hating persons are quite rare over here.
the few real antagonists are very vociferous, but like most fundamentalists, regaded as being completely loony.. maybe the americans who have visited over here have an opinion?.
Judging by the ponces who skip around the city I live in and swank into Cafe bars and hand hard cash over the counter for overpriced bean juice .......... erm, thats a big yes !
The bars in town now are real art student hang-out. I feel like I'm the monkey in the cage when I walk by. I imagine they take a long drag of their mint flavoured cigarette and say to each other:
"oh Roger, look at that common little man with his large nose and combat trousers"
"yes Jane, how utterley pedestrian!"
Life in the UK eh! ... tsk ...
You will always have a group of utter numb-nuts where ever you go in the world, who believe that a disposable cup with delicate pastel shading on it and a logo, is worth paying top dollar for.